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Heat Safely and Efficiently with Outdoor Wood Furnaces in the Yukon
Due in part to rising fuel costs and the value of the Canadian dollar vs. the U.S. dollar, our central outdoor wood furnaces in the Yukon have become very popular. We now have a gasification unit that is more than 90% efficient, and of course we have a qualified technician available for service and installation. Our stock of parts for the boilers has increased, as well as our knowledge of operation and maintenance.
We are an authorized dealer for Central Boiler® products.
Advantages of Outdoor Wood Furnaces
Indoor burning can be messy, inconvenient and dangerous. Unlike the traditional indoor wooden stoves, outdoor wooden furnaces provide certain advantages:

How an Outdoor Furnace Works
Central Boiler® outdoor furnaces burn wood to heat water. This water is then circulated through insulated pipes. Water can transfer its heat by direct circulation or by moving through one or more heat exchangers, or both. Every situation is unique, so it’s important you talk to a Central Boiler® dealer to make the right model selection for your application.
Find out how much money you can save when you use a Central Boiler® outdoor furnace.

Helpful Hint from Hurlburt Enterprises Inc.
For those who use diesel fuel as a source of heat, your oil tank should be tested for the presence of water at least twice a year. The change in sulphur content and the shift to above ground tanks is causing water to appear in many storage tanks. Due to MIC (microbiologically-induced corrosion) the integrity of your tank could be jeopardized. Inexpensive products are marketed to mitigate this issue. Come in to our shop to get your supply of fuel power.
Stay Connected with Firestar
Stay connected to the furnace that saves you money on your heating bills from anywhere in the world. You can even receive reminders from your furnace, such as when it's time to add wood.
Learn more about our conventional and gasification units.